Sunday, November 4, 2012

Funny Riddles for Children

Riddles are some thing which people have enjoyed for hundreds of years.  The children enjoy and like riddles very much.  Once upon a time there were competitions to decide who is cleverest person.  This was determined by who could answer the most riddles.  Here are some old riddles for you especially the children to try out and answer.     The answers to these riddles are at the bottom of this page.

1. What is found over your head but under your hat?

2. A hole full or a forest full  but you cannot catch a bowl full?

3.  I am purple, yellow, red, and green
     The King cannot reach me and neither can the Queen.
     I show my colours after the rain
     And only when the sun comes out again

4.  What flares up quickly and does some good,   But a moment later, it’s just a small piece of wood?   

5.  I am round like an apple,   Flat as a chip,  I have eyes,  But I can’t see one bit?

6.  Look at my face and you see somebody,   Look at my back and you see nobody.

7.  I have a mouth but cannot eat.

8.  I have a face  but cannot see, who am I ?

9.  We have legs, but cannot walk,  who are we?

10.  What is as big as an elephant, looks like an elephant, but has no weight?

The answers to above riddles are at the bottom of this page.
Answers to the above riddles are given below.

1.  Your Hair
2.  Smoke
3.  Rainbow
4.  Match stick
5.  Button
6.  Mirror 
7.  River
8. Clock
9. Tables and Chairs
10.  Shadow of the elephant

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