Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Animal Riddles for children

Here are some of the funny animal riddles for children.  Read them and enjoy.  Try to answer the riddles without checking the answers.   Here are the riddles.

Riddle 1:   What does a dog call its father?

Riddle 2 :  I live in the ocean.    I move slowly.     I eat clams.     I have five arms.  Who am I?

Riddle 3:  Why do ostriches have such a long legs?

Riddle 4:   Why does a dog scratch himself?

Riddle 5:   What kind of food does a race horse eat?

Riddle 6:   I live in lakes and rivers.    I eat fish and birds.    I have four legs and a long tail.
I have lots of pretty teeth.     Who am I?

Riddle 7:   What did the bee say when he got home? 

Riddle 8:   Which bird can lift the heaviest weight?

Riddle 9:   Why do lions eat raw meat?

Riddle 10What kind of leopard has red spots? 

Did you get the answers to the above riddles........   If  not then check the answers below.


Answer 1 :  Paw

Answer 2 : Star Fish

Answer 3 : So that their feet can touch the ground

Answer 4 : Because no one knows where it itches for the dog

Answer 5 : Fast Food

Answer 6 : Crocodile

Answer 7 : Hi Honey

Answer 8 :The Crane

Answer 9 :Because Lions do not know how to cook

Answer 10 : One who has measles

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